Sunday, October 10, 2010

The smell of the woods & horses. :)

I miss home. A lot. 

So, to help curb my homesickness, I went for a Sunday drive today and found my absolute favorite place in all of Utah. It's where I want to get my bridal pictures taken (when I finally decide to settle down)

[Which, I saw all these adorable couples all over the place today and I remember thinking, "Awwww, look at all these happy people. Why don't I have that yet??" And then I saw one of the couples and noticed the boy was wearing crocs. Then I remembered it's because I'm picky. And would definitely not be able to date someone in crocs. Shallow? uhmmmmm.....maybe, but really, crocs?? The least I can ask for is someone who knows better than to wear those.]

and I would love to be proposed to here. I drove up all around Sundance and Aspen Grove. Unfortunately, I lost my camera forever ago so I only had my phone to take pictures with. BUT, I have convinced my wonderful friend, Ethan, to come up with me sometime within the next week to take pictures up there! He is AMAZING. (click on his name to take you to his website! He rocks!)

Anyway, here are some pictures. They are terrible because they are from off my phone.

This last one is a bunch of little seeds that attached themselves to me! Plants are so clever.
[and as my Living with Plants professor would say, that is when she realized she was a plant person]

I also didn't get any pictures but I fell in love with the Sundance Stables. They are wonderful. The smell of horses. MMMMMM. I loved it. I met the guy that works there, Justin!, and it was great. He said he would give me a discount on riding. YAY!

I walked away after an hour of chatting and I smelled like horses. It was like going home. :)
While I was out driving though, I was surprised at how many people were out and about (kind of) but mostly that they were driving SO fast. I know, I know, people in Utah always drive fast. 
[I think it's the whole "Mormon Standard Time" and they are just trying to make up for lost time]
I wanted to hold up a sign that said, slow down and enjoy the scenery! Look how gorgeous it is outside! 
At one point I even pulled over and let about 10 cars pass me. 
I am always so sad to see people who aren't taking time to enjoy the wonderful blessings we have been given in life. I miss being able to walk out into nature. And breathe fresh air.

But MOSTLY why I am missing home: My parents.
Yep, I miss them terribly. And I would say don't tell them that but they know already. 
I am, in fact, one of those people that calls her parents at least 5 or 6 days out of the week. Multiple times.
I just always have so much to share with them. And my mom always has the best stories to tell me.
[we were all looking at mom's camera except Kyle]

I love my family. And today, is my parents 23rd Wedding Anniversary!! 
I can't express how grateful I am that they decided to be married 23 years ago. And that we were sealed for time and all eternity as a family a few short years later. 
Mom, Dad, you guys are the best. You have always supported me in whatever I choose to do.
[Except dad won't let me live in the apartment above the garage once it's built. What!?] 
I love that I can still call you whenever I want, and you take the time to answer.
[Even when I forget the time difference and the fact that I tend to stay up later than you...or when you are having your anniversary dinner....]
So, here's to you. You have raised 3 fantastic children, numerous pets, and instilled in me an understanding of what a marriage and family should be. 
I love you more than words can describe. 
Thank you for everything and I hope you had a great day!


  1. Gorgeous!!! Both your family and you. Oh and the nature :)

    Wait I want to come on a drive with you. Please?

  2. Thanks, love! And of COURSE you can come on a drive with me! I love to have company when I'm enjoying the beautifulness of the great outdoors! And we need to get cupcakes, soon.
