Here are a few life lessons you will undoubtedly learn whilst in college:
0. At some point, your housing may go into foreclosure right before you are supposed to move in and then you have to live out of your car and sleep on the uncomfortable couch of a friend until you find a cheap place.
1. When a friend asks if you want to get food at one am, you go. Even if you are in your pajamas [which for me is underwear and a t-shirt] you throw on clothes that are acceptable to society (ie sweats) at one am and you enjoy eating fattening food.
2. Sometimes, your living situation is less than ideal. [since I am unaware of who actually reads my blog, if you want details (trust me, they're funny) you can email me. Or facebook. Whatevs.]
3. Sometimes, there is no room in your fridge because it's full of food that has gone bad and no one has cleaned it out.
4. Sometimes, you have to go buy your own dishes because dishes don't get washed very often so you need your own that you can use, wash, and put away but no one else will use.
5. Sometimes, you have to pay a heating bill of $140 split between 4 people because the "ghost" of where you are living mysteriously turns the heat up whenever someone turns their back. [since no one will own up to wanting the heat at 75 when it's 60 outside, there MUST be a ghost, right?]
6. Sometimes, you stay in the library til 2 am to finish a paper that is due at 8 am and end up seeing how far your friend can stand away from you and you still make an m&m into his mouth.
7. Sometimes, you have to make a run to the 24 hour grocery store at 1 am during finals week because your roommate who bought toilet paper last has moved out and subsequently taken it with her. [And when people overhear you saying you are locking the said toilet paper in your room so that it doesn't get used up as quickly, they think you are a dirty-good-for-nothing-toilet-paper-whore But they don't know you! Flip the bird and get outta there! Ok, don't necessarily flip them the bird. But know that it is an option...]
But you deal with it. It's called life. And it's funny when you look back at it. But at the moment...usually it's not very fun. [Or in the case of the food, it's not very fun for you waistline or your complexion when you are running on 4 hours of sleep]
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Just trust.
As I was on the phone with my parents today, my dad and I got on the topic of how the year 2010 has been for me. It has been an extremely difficult year for me. [and I certainly focused on that for several hours tonight] However, I am not here to write about all the things that have made this year difficult for me and expect a pity party. Instead, I would like to throw myself a "Look-What-You-Have-Accomplished-Despite-Your-Difficulties-and-Adversity" party.
There have been more than one occasion this year in which I have thought, "Heavenly Father, why? I know I am not perfect, but really?" And each time, the answer is the same, "It is because you aren't perfect, yet. It is because I love you and I want you to reach the potential that I see in you."
I have cried 5 times this year. I have been
inept, and
I have smiled millions of times. I have laughed even more. I have been
There have been more than one occasion this year in which I have thought, "Heavenly Father, why? I know I am not perfect, but really?" And each time, the answer is the same, "It is because you aren't perfect, yet. It is because I love you and I want you to reach the potential that I see in you."
I have cried 5 times this year. I have been
disappointed, baffled,
inept, and
I have smiled millions of times. I have laughed even more. I have been
content, fulfilled,
peaceful, confident,
and comfortable.
I have had my fair share of humbling experiences; I can't help but be grateful for them. As much as I wish life were easy, it's really not. And what may seem like difficulties to me may be a breeze for someone else. But I wouldn't have it any other way. My experiences and adversities shape who I am. I can't claim that I have ever felt that while going through a difficult time, but I am learning. I realize that I am still a child in so many ways. I'm still learning how to walk--how to walk in the footsteps of Christ.
As I was thinking about how difficult a year I have had [I believe I told my dad that "it has been the worst year of my life so far. I'm not a fan of 2010".] I couldn't help but think of the many blessings that have come from these difficulties. It may be in part because of the wonderful Thanksgiving spirit that has hit me, but I wanted to share a small list. [It will be small...ish. :) I can't help but share a lot sometimes.] It will only be the big major ones and only bits and pieces. Some things are too personal to put out in the open internet.
1. I tore my ACL in March and had surgery one week later on April 2nd. Shortly before this I had made the decision to continue my education at BYU. This decision was not one that I had taken lightly and was unsure why the Lord had prompted me to stay but once I tore my ACL I knew it was because I would be unable to afford living elsewhere because I wouldn't be able to work fire this summer.
2. I was unable to work fire this summer. This brought on more difficulties than I care to share but amongst those was my difficulties with coworkers and that I was not making as much money as I would need for the next school year. As my summer progressed, I was able to become a much more humble and open minded person. I had to have this experience to better understand compassion and what it meant to have the True Love of Christ.
3. I was in a major accident and I know without a shadow of a doubt that my life was spared only through divine intervention. Looking at the pictures of the truck, and having walked away without so much as a bruise, there is no other explanation. I had some very eye opening and personal experiences in the hour it took for people to find me. I wish that it hadn't taken such a big event for me to see and understand what I needed to see and understand but that is the foolishness of a stubborn young adult. To have that close of a near death experience, and to have had the personal experience I had while sitting on the door of a totaled truck in the middle of the woods waiting for rescuers, is one that I will contribute the rest of my life towards.
4. I returned to BYU only to find that my housing had been foreclosed in early June and I would have to find new housing...5 days before the start of school. I lived out of my car for a couple days and crashed on a friend's couch. Just today, I found why exactly it was that I had to have such a frustrating and upsetting experience. I know that I needed to be in the ward I am in so that I could find what I had been looking for since I came to BYU--an understanding Bishop who would help me discover my strength and abilities as a person. His encouragement would also help me on the right path to serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I have only a few steps left to complete and just over a month before my papers are submitted.
Through adversity comes blessings. We are being refined so that we might be perfected in Christ. I am grateful this holiday season for my adversities. I am grateful that there will one day come the time that I will see in my own reflection, the countenance of Christ. [Referencing this wonderful story that is much shorter than my post and should therefore be read: The Refiner's Fire]
I hope to post again soon but if I don't, Happy Thanksgiving!
"Chelsea, why are you worried? You know that Heavenly Father loves you and has a plan. Take a deep breath and just trust."
thanks, dad.
Friday, November 19, 2010
a pocketful of memories & a dedication to kind strangers.
Yesterday, I had the privilege of bowling with three of the most beautiful women on BYU campus! (And they are single! I don't know how but I would jump on it boys!)
Laura, Kelsey, Hillary, and me! Hil's 21st!
Anyway, we were talking and Laura insisted that I write down some of my memories that I had shared with them. So, I did. And now I'm putting them on here. Enjoy...
October 29, 2010: Halloween weekend! I decided to venture down to see my favorite brothers in Ephraim, UT. I packed up my bags and left after my last class--which just so happens to be rush hour. Go figure. Anyway, while stopped at a stoplight, I looked in my side mirror only to see a face staring directly at me. And then they waved. I didn't know what else to do and figured that something bad might happen if I offended them and didn't wave back so I waved as well. The light turned green and I started forward headed for the on ramp. My windows were down and I was enjoying the perfect weather. Moments later, I heard someone yelling. I turned and there, right next to me was this same guy. He waved, smiled, and yelled, "You are BEAUTIFUL!" before driving off never to be seen again. It made my weekend and when I have a bad day I love to think about it. Thank you, random stranger.
November 17, 2010: This was just a 2 days ago. I had been sitting with the beautiful Laura while she ate lunch when 2 girls came by to tell us that we should donate blood because there wasn't a line. I hadn't donated in a while so I promptly took them up on their offer. It took less than 10 minutes to get back behind their little partitioner to answer the questions. That should have been quick and easy but the system crashed and I had to answer the questions 3 times. Fortunately, I had a really nice guy, Benji, to help me out! We were talking about his wife of 3 years (high school sweet hearts! So cute, right?) and how they "have a Max". Suddenly, in the middle of the story about Max, he interrupts himself and says, "Can I just say that you are a great catch? You will be an awesome wife and someone will be really lucky to have you." Why, thank you, Benji! And then he continued on as if nothing had happened. Strangers can be so kind.
And last, but not least!, is one that happened at the beginning of the summer.
I wish I knew the exact date but I don't feel like going back that far on my facebook to find it.
I was back in L-town and on my way out of Safeway. [For those from L-town, the adorable old man in the story is Doc.] He was standing in front of me in line, hitting on the cashier (of course) asking her to marry him. She kindly declined and he shuffled towards the exit. I only had one or two items so we reached the door about the same time. He turned to me as we approached it and and said, "That's what happens when you get old and ugly... Will you promise me something? Stay young and beautiful just the way you are, right now. Will you promise me that?" Yes, Doc. I will stay young, beautiful and 20 for the rest of my life, just for you.
It's moments like these that I remember when I pass people on my way to classes, at the store, or on the sidewalk. I hope that I can be this kind to someone, that they will cherish something I have said to them for forever, and that it is something that has helped them feel good about themselves. Have you made someone's day lately?
Monday, November 15, 2010
Webster's New World college Dictionary. [4th Edition]
So, about a week and a half or so ago

I don't find this person intimidating...I find them...some other word. I even used the thesaurus to try and find what I want to say but couldn't find the right word. I'm intrigued, in awe, and impressed with. This person makes ME feel reserved
Not only has this person successfully made me feel bashful and reserved, but they made me remember my beloved dictionary.
[ok, sometime recently I don't really know when {I actually know the exact
day but don't want to admit it}]
I met someone. And I described them as intimidating. Which is weird for me since I don't think I have ever used that word to describe someone in reference to how I feel about them. In fact, I even pulled out my dictionary
[yes, I do own an actual dictionary and I don't just use the internet. NERD? Maybe.]
and looked the word intimidate up. And promptly rethought my usage.intimidate: 1. to make timid; make afraid; daunt. 2. to force or deter
with threats or violence; cow.
[say wha!?]
and bashful. [How does that even happen?]
Needless to say, I am greatly impressed and I guess yes, intimidated for the use of daunted, by them. I suppose I should take this experience and embrace it. I hope that I get to know this person better[although I know I will always be intimidated when I'm with them]
so that I can learn to be as inspiring. Not only has this person successfully made me feel bashful and reserved, but they made me remember my beloved dictionary.
[I have to admit that I have most definitely tried to read the entire dictionary before...
I made it to the letter D before my brothers found out and told everyone at school where
I was teased so much that I stopped reading it.
And now everyone who forgot that
{who bothers to read this blog}
will tease me about it all over again.
But I actually am impressed with me 12 year old self so it's ok.]
I am a such a nerd. Self proclaimed nerd. I love words. I find them really fascinating. Weird? Well, DUH, but really fun...for a nerd like me. Thinking of words of course got me back into trying to figure out my word.
[like how in Eat, Pray, Love the author finds out what the one word she
would use to describe herself would be. I'm still trying to figure mine out].
Any ideas?! Maybe I'll start reading the dictionary again to find one.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Oh, hi. It's a Monday night. And what am I doing? Yes. Not homework. Instead, I am listening to Josh Groban (Holiday) & Jamie Cullum mix on Pandora. It's fabulous and you should make that exact custom mix. I won't judge you for copying me.

What I should be doing is studying Ecology. More specifically: populations. BUHH-ORRRR-INNNNG. Instead, I am in my leggings, my Christmas sweatshirt from the DI, my wool socks and I am dancing around my room to the best music ever. (see above if you weren't paying attention!) I love the awesome jazzy style. And the piano. OH, it speaks to my soul!
I have also been doing my fair share of blog stalking hoping to receive amazing inspirations. Which I have. Thanks, blog world. Soon, I will post about my creations. But for now, I shouldn't be on here and am so I have to be quick. Wish I could stay longer! If you have fabulous music suggestions, throw them my way. I love music.
Newest love of my life:
[thanks, google images. Jamie Cullum, ladies & gents. {if only I had a REAL picture of him. That would mean I would have been in person with this amazing talent... can you imagine!?}]
What I should be doing is studying Ecology. More specifically: populations. BUHH-ORRRR-INNNNG. Instead, I am in my leggings, my Christmas sweatshirt from the DI, my wool socks and I am dancing around my room to the best music ever. (see above if you weren't paying attention!) I love the awesome jazzy style. And the piano. OH, it speaks to my soul!
I have also been doing my fair share of blog stalking hoping to receive amazing inspirations. Which I have. Thanks, blog world. Soon, I will post about my creations. But for now, I shouldn't be on here and am so I have to be quick. Wish I could stay longer! If you have fabulous music suggestions, throw them my way. I love music.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
I wonder...
I was listening to this song: When God Made You. Yes, it's a love song, but I started thinking about the part where it says, "I wonder what God was thinking when He created you."
I believe that I will add that to my list of questions for Him when I see Him face to face. "Heavenly Father, what were you thinking when you created me? What did you see me accomplishing? What were your dreams and hopes for me?" [and keep my fingers crossed I lived up to it.]
Until then, I am happy to be trying to figure it out on my own by discovering new things about my capacity to do anything and everything while I'm alive. Example: today I found out that I have this need to tell people embarrassing things about me. There is not a single embarrassing moment in my life that has not been told to at least 4 other people. (those 4 being my immediate family so you know more people know.)
What do you think God was thinking when He created you?
*Very obviously it was something to do with your ability to touch and change other's lives. That's definitely part of it. I know we each have the innate ability to touch and change lives. How awesome is that!?
Thursday, November 4, 2010
You're Gonna Be...
Yes, I changed the name of my blog. As much as I love cupcakes, I decided on something different. Maybe it's because I'm in the kind of mood where I am feeling nostalgic, but I chose Dandelion Fluff. Why? Well, that's a little more difficult to explain. I don't know about you, but when I hear dandelion fluff, I think of my childhood. I remember being out in my yard and being ecstatic to find a full white dandelion that I could send my wishes out on through the air, hoping that some universal power would find my wishes scattered across the world and make them come true.[Did you ever accidentally snort them up your nose, or was that just me?] My imagination was alive with possibilities; I was whoever and whatever I wanted to be. Maybe that's what I'm hoping for now; that someone out there will find my wishes floating along and grant them; that I can keep my imagination of who I am and will be close at hand since I suddenly find myself an "adult".
[I adore this picture. I don't know who took it; I found it online and it takes me into a new world everytime!]
I was thinking today about growing up. I have to say...I don't really care for it too much. I don't like bills, groceries, laundry, work...the list goes on. As I was considering finding a way to build a time machine, I thought about my future [remember, I blogged about it last time? And was so excited?] and decided I wouldn't want to go back. I loved being a kid. [High school is a different story] But would I want to go back to being blissfully unaware of so many things? [Well, YES, but that's not the point]. Look at where I am now. I am that person that I dreamed of being as a little girl. I support myself, I'm at an esteemed university, I have the most loving family and friends I could ever ask possibilities are endless still. What struck me the most through this thought process was the people in my life; and the people from my past who didn't quite make it to my future. [Thank you, by the way. Most of you I don't talk to anymore but you certainly shaped me into who I am. It was hard and I didn't see the value in the way I was treated but now, I owe you my life. You may not be in my life anymore {for good reason} but know that you were a catalyst in bringing to pass this beautiful, bright {young}woman with an equally bright and beautiful future.]
I found a song that I forgot I love and couldn't help but think how well it works with my thoughts for the day. It's "You're Gonna Be..." by Reba McEntire. [I would post a link to the video but the video doesn't have really anything to with my thoughts! You can youtube it yourself if you like.] I won't share ALL the lyrics because that would be long and annoying but here's a couple lines:
You're gonna fly with every dream you chase
You're gonna cry, but know that that's okay
Sometimes life's not fair, but if you hang in there
You're gonna see that sometimes bad is good
We just have to believe things work out like they should
Life has no guarantees, but always loved by me
You're gonna be...
I couldn't help but think of my parents; both here on earth and my Heavenly Father and Mother. When I read this, or hear the song, I know that that is exactly how the feel for me. That is the greatest comfort I could have.
‘Cause anything worth doing is worth doing all the way
Just know you'll have to live with all
the choices that you make
So make sure you're always givin' way
more than you're takin'
I know that life isn't easy or fair [no matter how many dandelions I wish on] but that it is MY life. I have learned from my parents that truly anything worth doing is worth doing all the way. I'm not a quitter. I am stubborn and that's why I know I'll make it in this life. I'm too stubborn to let a perfectly good life go to waste. I make mistakes [a lot more than I would like to admit] but that's ok. Even though I am growing up, there are a lot of child like attributes I know I need to keep around for the rest of my life. [Know that there is always a small {albeit fiesty} little girl inside of me that loves to goof around, make silly faces, wrestle her brothers, and make awkward moments.]
1. Be ridiculous with my brothers. Say awkward things with them, make funny faces in ALL our family pictures, and be obnoxious when in stores and public places.
2. Call my mommy and daddy when something goes horrible wrong [even if it is just to tell them and I have already corrected the problem. I should get some sympathy! {and yes, still call them mommy and daddy whenever I want}]
3. Change my clothes about 15 times a day. [this has gotten a little pricier as I am the one doing laundry now...but I just can't resist. I like to be comfortable and my comfort level changes a lot!]
4. Jump in puddles and on crunchy leaves. [Dancing in the rain is always a must as well]
5. Swing on the swings.
6. Sing off key, out of tune, and make up my own words to any song I please.
7. Love and trust unconditionally.
8. Remember to give hugs and affection to anyone and anything. [I distinctly recall having talked to every inanimate object I owned when I was younger and thanking them and telling them stories...]
9. Laughing. And smiling. Always. [or when there is a time for tears, cry, find a new interest or toy and promptly forget that I was crying.]
10. Trust in the Lord, pray always, and bear my testimony as often as I get the chance.
[I adore this picture. I don't know who took it; I found it online and it takes me into a new world everytime!]
I was thinking today about growing up. I have to say...I don't really care for it too much. I don't like bills, groceries, laundry, work...the list goes on. As I was considering finding a way to build a time machine, I thought about my future [remember, I blogged about it last time? And was so excited?] and decided I wouldn't want to go back. I loved being a kid. [High school is a different story] But would I want to go back to being blissfully unaware of so many things? [Well, YES, but that's not the point]. Look at where I am now. I am that person that I dreamed of being as a little girl. I support myself, I'm at an esteemed university, I have the most loving family and friends I could ever ask possibilities are endless still. What struck me the most through this thought process was the people in my life; and the people from my past who didn't quite make it to my future. [Thank you, by the way. Most of you I don't talk to anymore but you certainly shaped me into who I am. It was hard and I didn't see the value in the way I was treated but now, I owe you my life. You may not be in my life anymore {for good reason} but know that you were a catalyst in bringing to pass this beautiful, bright {young}woman with an equally bright and beautiful future.]
I found a song that I forgot I love and couldn't help but think how well it works with my thoughts for the day. It's "You're Gonna Be..." by Reba McEntire. [I would post a link to the video but the video doesn't have really anything to with my thoughts! You can youtube it yourself if you like.] I won't share ALL the lyrics because that would be long and annoying but here's a couple lines:
You're gonna fly with every dream you chase
You're gonna cry, but know that that's okay
Sometimes life's not fair, but if you hang in there
You're gonna see that sometimes bad is good
We just have to believe things work out like they should
Life has no guarantees, but always loved by me
You're gonna be...
I couldn't help but think of my parents; both here on earth and my Heavenly Father and Mother. When I read this, or hear the song, I know that that is exactly how the feel for me. That is the greatest comfort I could have.
‘Cause anything worth doing is worth doing all the way
Just know you'll have to live with all
the choices that you make
So make sure you're always givin' way
more than you're takin'
I know that life isn't easy or fair [no matter how many dandelions I wish on] but that it is MY life. I have learned from my parents that truly anything worth doing is worth doing all the way. I'm not a quitter. I am stubborn and that's why I know I'll make it in this life. I'm too stubborn to let a perfectly good life go to waste. I make mistakes [a lot more than I would like to admit] but that's ok. Even though I am growing up, there are a lot of child like attributes I know I need to keep around for the rest of my life. [Know that there is always a small {albeit fiesty} little girl inside of me that loves to goof around, make silly faces, wrestle her brothers, and make awkward moments.]
1. Be ridiculous with my brothers. Say awkward things with them, make funny faces in ALL our family pictures, and be obnoxious when in stores and public places.
2. Call my mommy and daddy when something goes horrible wrong [even if it is just to tell them and I have already corrected the problem. I should get some sympathy! {and yes, still call them mommy and daddy whenever I want}]
3. Change my clothes about 15 times a day. [this has gotten a little pricier as I am the one doing laundry now...but I just can't resist. I like to be comfortable and my comfort level changes a lot!]
4. Jump in puddles and on crunchy leaves. [Dancing in the rain is always a must as well]
5. Swing on the swings.
6. Sing off key, out of tune, and make up my own words to any song I please.
7. Love and trust unconditionally.
8. Remember to give hugs and affection to anyone and anything. [I distinctly recall having talked to every inanimate object I owned when I was younger and thanking them and telling them stories...]
9. Laughing. And smiling. Always. [or when there is a time for tears, cry, find a new interest or toy and promptly forget that I was crying.]
10. Trust in the Lord, pray always, and bear my testimony as often as I get the chance.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Traffic School & the Future.
So. It's been a while. And I have nothing really to show for it. Except that I officially finished Traffic School (online).
[Traffic school is not fun. And it consumes your life. Don't ever get a ticket.]
Although, I have so little to show from it in productivity, it has certainly been an interesting week or so. I've learned a lot about myself. But first, my creative moment that I'm so proud of!
I went to DI in search of picture frames. [they have great frames for super cheap! And they have cute old school ones, so of course I had to buy a couple.] Anyway, I ventured into the back on a little adventure and wouldn't know you I found a treasure! It is a vintage suitcase, avocado green. My friends laughed when I said I was buying it. They couldn't see it's potential as I did. This is the end result:
I am happy to have it sit on my dresser. I love it. And I love even more that it sits next to my Family: A Proclamation to the World.
{Also, this is the 5th or 6th time I have started this post. So I have a completely different topic now and no segue-way}.
I was thinking a LOT about my future lately.
[sometime soon I will post my exciting news! Just not now; I'm still digesting it myself!]
Last year, when I was a RA, and we did an exercise where we had to lie down and completely relax.
[when you are with a bunch of friends who are all doing the same thing, everyone just laughs and it can be really difficult!]
So, you lie down and completely clear your mind [blah blah blah. All that relaxing stuff]
Once you are completely relaxed the lady starts telling you to imagine it is 10 years down the road and you are just waking up. She guides you through a whole day of what you imagine your life to be in 10 years. I have to say that I absolutely loved it. I won't share allll my details but here's a look at what I hope my life is like:
[I could describe exactly what my room would look like but A. boring for you and 2. kind of weird if I did that. I will show you a picture of the kind of bed I want to make that I want, though.]
My bed
My bed
And I want to be living down a dirt/gravel driveway on a couple of acres of land. With a gorgeous old barn and a beautiful meadow for my horses (one will be a frosted roan).
[Yes, I am a country girl. And I love every second of it.]
We'll have a beat up old pick up that is more work than it's worth. And dogs and kids running around. And out back a tire swing on an old tree with my garden.
I can't wait to have my garden.
I can already picture it.
One part for vegetables [squash, zucchini, tomatoes, snap peas, carrots, pumpkins, asparagus; my mouth is watering with the possibilities!] and the rest for my flowers.
Currently, I go to boutiques and antique shops looking for the kinds of old things I will put in it.
Anyway, I can basically picture my entire house as I go about my life of feeding the horses and the dogs, watering the garden and the lawn, doing laundry, making meals, making cute crafty stuff in my own little room where I can quilt and scrapbook my little heart out, probably working if the kids are older, and giving my handsome husband a kiss when he gets home from his job.
Yep. This may sound like a ridiculous life to some people but I can hardly wait.
So, that's what's been on my mind. What's on yours?
Sunday, October 17, 2010
"...and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces..."
Sundays are my favorite. I love everything about them. And this Sunday (and weekend) I learned some very important things that I'd like to share.
1. When you buy new dishes, wash them before you use them. You don't know who's nasty crack hands have been touching those things in the store!
2. If you decide to sit in the front row of church, you should not pick your nose. [No, it wasn't me. Gross. It was someone else that I saw.]
3. Boys are such...boys. [A boy fell asleep in church and his friend sitting next to him reached over and stuck his finger in the sleeping guy's mouth...]
4.Nothing beats a great day with your best friends.
5. Sometimes, we get caught up in the speed and pressure of this day and age. Life isn't something you can always be looking at for the long run. The majority of life is one day at a time. Yes, you probably have 2 million and one things to get done this week, but what about what you have to do today: read your scriptures, say a prayer of thanks, take a deep breath, and finish what needs to be done TODAY. Don't worry about what needs to be done tomorrow or in the next 5 days. It's about now. Life is simple; that doesn't make it easy.
6. There are people in this world who have it much worse than I do. I read an article today of women in China who are forced into abortions. Perhaps, it's just been an emotional day, but I teared up. And that says a lot when you understand my stance on crying. But, there is something we can do. Go to this website and sign the pledge to help stop this atrocity. Whether you are pro-life or pro-choice, this isn't right because it ISN'T a choice these women get to make on their own. The power of one is great.
7. You aren't alone in your trials. Everyone has their own demons in life. Even if you aren't going through the exact same thing, someone else is struggling. And our Heavenly Father is there with an open heart to listen to our soul's complaint. Isaiah 25:8 "He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the Lord God hath spoken it."
Today, in Relief Society we discussed that verse. I immediately thought of this picture. The girl teaching had us do something and I think you should really try it when you get the chance. Sit down, close your eyes, and think of the last time someone wiped a tear from your face. What did it feel like? What did their face look like as the looked at you? What did they say to comfort you? Anything? Did you feel peace and love? Jesus Christ is there and more than willing to wipe the tears from our faces. As much as I personally despise crying, it's almost a necessary evil. But someone is always there to wipe them away. It won't magically heal anything, this life is a trial, but it is a comfort, a way through.
8. "We become what we want to be by being what we want to become." Elder Richard G. Scott
Dreams are wonderful. Aspirations, goals and plans: they are our lives. But how do you achieve them? Actions. In this life, we are given 3 things that work in conjunction with each other like a stool: Agency, Stewardship, and Accountability. Agency here means the ability to make actions of our own free will. We are in total control of our decisions. A stewardship is something that we have been given charge of; to care for something that isn't ours. Accountability means we are held responsible for how we treat our stewardships through our agency. We cannot expect to wake up and suddenly be what we have always wanted to be. It's a day by day thing. Each day, we need to be the person we want to become because one day you'll wake up and realize you are that person. You are as wonderful, fantastic, special, spiritual, athletic, charming, funny, and anything YOU want to be, by being just that person.
9. People make mistakes. They mess up. A lot. You are a person. I am a person. You make mistakes and I make mistakes. But it's part of being human. We are not responsible for holding other people's mistakes against them. We are responsible for our own mistakes and making sure we correct them.
10. Nothing can replace the sense of peace that is available to us through making good choices. You know when you are doing something right and that when you follow through with good actions you are truly happy. There is a lot of things and people in this world with a false happiness. True, peaceful, serene happiness doesn't come from a box, from a store shelf, in the form of food or a beverage or drug. It comes from the smile of a stranger, the sticky kiss from a child's precious lips, the sound of leaves blowing across the street and realizing that at that moment, you are paying attention to the greatness of this earth. When you help someone carry their groceries or pick up something they've dropped. Or bend to help a child tie their shoe. The smile of gratitude and the feeling of true success will envelope you. Realizing that God's hand is in all of these things, that is where peace comes from. To know that you are a part of this great and wondrous plan and an IMPORTANT part. Especially in that moment when you have been granted to opportunity to help someone else.
What did you learn this weekend?
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Chelsea Elizabeth Eversole.
This is a post about...Me. [Exciting, right!?]
You have the privilege of reading a bunch of random, useless junk about me.
- I have 3 major fears: Things IN the dark [like rapists, and monsters.], that mirrors are 2 way [imagine someone just watching your every move...creepy.], and somersaults [they give me panic attacks in my more recent years and I have never actually done one. Ever. See inserted video. Also, my beloved younger brother, Kyle, tried to teach me before I went to my freshman year of college and I freaked out so bad I started crying.].
- I love to brush my teeth. Clean teeth are the best feeling ever. And I don't care how good your meal was, the leftover taste will not be good in 15 minutes.
- Fall is my favorite season. I want to be married in October. I think it is the perfect time to have a wedding. And then I can have cute colors, too. [No, I don't have my whole wedding planned, I just know when I want to have it. So far, no luck. But someday.]
- I like to collect 3 things: coffee mugs, jellybeans [as in I have a ton of packages of them and then eat them alllllll the time. In fact, I could probably identify any of the Jelly Belly flavors with my eyes closed.], and socks [See next bullet].
- I love socks. I have all sorts of colors and I love that they keep my feet warm. When it comes to socks, the only requirement is that they be the same height. [Sorry, Dad. I don't fold my socks; it takes too much time!...and I just pull two out of my drawer to wear.]
- I am very much attracted to feet in socks. It's strange, I know. Especially guys' feet. I think guys have mostly ugly feet unless they have socks on. Girls tend to have cuter feet when bare. [But if a guy showed up at my house in socks, holding a coffee mug full of jelly beans...He would most definitely steal my heart. As long as I know them...if some creepy guy just showed up....I would probably take the coffee mug and shut the door.]
- When I was younger, my family moved to Arizona from Colorado. I introduced myself to everyone as follows, "Hi, I'm Chelsea Bizzy-Butt Eversole and we from the hills." Yes. I truly did. [My parents still call my Bizzy-Butt and it rings true with the type of life I lead!]
- I am the clumsiest person on the face of the earth. I once had a kid point out that I have more scars than he is old. And by kid I mean someone in their 30's. [When I was 7 I tripped and broke my nose, I trip up stairs on a daily basis, and once I fell down an entire flight of stairs and my dad informed me I was going to be late and to stop messing around. It was just a common occurrence. And I wasn't allowed to have anything that had color to it whilst inside the house....All of my childhood pictures have me covered in 1. dirt, 2. colored juice, 3. some sort of food.]
- I love food. Always have. My parents used to call me Miss Piggy. Adding to that was the fact that every once in a while I snort when I laugh. It happens. [That's my life motto. Embarrassing things follow me. Once, I was racing my best friend to the bathrooms at Wal-Mart and went in the wrong one. It was during Christmas time and there was a huge line at the Customer Service desk. A Chinese man chased us out yelling in Chinese.]
Those are a select few things that make me, ME. And it was actually really long. Sorry. I tend to talk about myself a lot but only on days that end in Y.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
The smell of the woods & horses. :)
I miss home. A lot.
So, to help curb my homesickness, I went for a Sunday drive today and found my absolute favorite place in all of Utah. It's where I want to get my bridal pictures taken (when I finally decide to settle down)
[Which, I saw all these adorable couples all over the place today and I remember thinking, "Awwww, look at all these happy people. Why don't I have that yet??" And then I saw one of the couples and noticed the boy was wearing crocs. Then I remembered it's because I'm picky. And would definitely not be able to date someone in crocs. Shallow? uhmmmmm.....maybe, but really, crocs?? The least I can ask for is someone who knows better than to wear those.]
and I would love to be proposed to here. I drove up all around Sundance and Aspen Grove. Unfortunately, I lost my camera forever ago so I only had my phone to take pictures with. BUT, I have convinced my wonderful friend, Ethan, to come up with me sometime within the next week to take pictures up there! He is AMAZING. (click on his name to take you to his website! He rocks!)
Anyway, here are some pictures. They are terrible because they are from off my phone.
This last one is a bunch of little seeds that attached themselves to me! Plants are so clever.
[and as my Living with Plants professor would say, that is when she realized she was a plant person]
I also didn't get any pictures but I fell in love with the Sundance Stables. They are wonderful. The smell of horses. MMMMMM. I loved it. I met the guy that works there, Justin!, and it was great. He said he would give me a discount on riding. YAY!
I walked away after an hour of chatting and I smelled like horses. It was like going home. :)
While I was out driving though, I was surprised at how many people were out and about (kind of) but mostly that they were driving SO fast. I know, I know, people in Utah always drive fast.
[I think it's the whole "Mormon Standard Time" and they are just trying to make up for lost time]
I wanted to hold up a sign that said, slow down and enjoy the scenery! Look how gorgeous it is outside!
At one point I even pulled over and let about 10 cars pass me.
I am always so sad to see people who aren't taking time to enjoy the wonderful blessings we have been given in life. I miss being able to walk out into nature. And breathe fresh air.
But MOSTLY why I am missing home: My parents.
Yep, I miss them terribly. And I would say don't tell them that but they know already.
I am, in fact, one of those people that calls her parents at least 5 or 6 days out of the week. Multiple times.
I just always have so much to share with them. And my mom always has the best stories to tell me.
[we were all looking at mom's camera except Kyle]
I love my family. And today, is my parents 23rd Wedding Anniversary!!
I can't express how grateful I am that they decided to be married 23 years ago. And that we were sealed for time and all eternity as a family a few short years later.
Mom, Dad, you guys are the best. You have always supported me in whatever I choose to do.
[Except dad won't let me live in the apartment above the garage once it's built. What!?]
I love that I can still call you whenever I want, and you take the time to answer.
[Even when I forget the time difference and the fact that I tend to stay up later than you...or when you are having your anniversary dinner....]
So, here's to you. You have raised 3 fantastic children, numerous pets, and instilled in me an understanding of what a marriage and family should be.
I love you more than words can describe.
Thank you for everything and I hope you had a great day!
Friday, October 8, 2010
The word of the day is balance.
For those of you who have read Eat Pray Love, you should know what I'm talking about. In the book, this woman leaves everything she has behind in search of balance. A balance between the physical world and the spiritual aspect of life. I finished reading the book last night and was so saddened that it ended.
Usually, I power through books--especially if I enjoy them but this book took me much longer than usual to finish it. However, I feel it was best for me. I found a lot of things in that book that helped me personally at different times when I really needed to hear them but didn't want to listen to other people. I have always had this great desire to travel and find myself but am just too freaking poor!
So, I lived vicariously through Elizabeth Gilbert. That being said, I also had to return to reality. And reality brought me a big fat bowl of "figure yourself out, Chelsea" for breakfast. So far today, I have seen 3 books that talk about balancing yourself and 2 of my professors discussed balance and it's importance in the here and now and in the eternities. I feel like this is my flashing sign of a hint from Heavenly Father that I need to figure some things out
[that and I walked out of the house with two different colored moccasins on this afternoon.
I'm always on top of these things. ]
And I couldn't agree more. The only thing is how. Everyday I take a step closer to thinking I have things figured out but we all know that is a BIG FAT LIE.
So, I am working on balancing things. Church, school, work, dating, and everything between. Hopefully I get things figured out soon. I know, I know. Becoming completely balanced for my life is completely out of the question. It's part of the learning process. But, I can learn how to get my life back in balance whenever I feel like it's out of whack. That's the goal anyway. If anyone has suggestions, please do tell! I am pretty much up for anything that will help. First things first, matching shoes in the morning.
So, I am working on balancing things. Church, school, work, dating, and everything between. Hopefully I get things figured out soon. I know, I know. Becoming completely balanced for my life is completely out of the question. It's part of the learning process. But, I can learn how to get my life back in balance whenever I feel like it's out of whack. That's the goal anyway. If anyone has suggestions, please do tell! I am pretty much up for anything that will help. First things first, matching shoes in the morning.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Rainy Fall Days.
I have decided I like blogging more than I like Facebook.
Which kind of says a lot but also nothing.
I'm always on Facebook but I absolutely despise it.
[who doesn't love going through other people's pictures!? That's all I do. I've probably done it to you. How does that make you feel?]
Anyway, I feel like it's super late in the day but it's barely 3 pm. I didn't wake up until 11...
[I've been sick! Give me a break.]
I woke up because my friend Dan was calling and texting me.
[No worries, Dan. I remember my promise to blog about you.]
I was supposed to have gone to an 8 am class and at 11, I was supposed to go to a seminar with Dan! Oops.
Well, I got up and got dressed in about 15 minutes and made it to the seminar. But it was packed and I stood in the corner of the room the whole time.
And then I got to make THIS:
Which kind of says a lot but also nothing.
I'm always on Facebook but I absolutely despise it.
[who doesn't love going through other people's pictures!? That's all I do. I've probably done it to you. How does that make you feel?]
Anyway, I feel like it's super late in the day but it's barely 3 pm. I didn't wake up until 11...
[I've been sick! Give me a break.]
I woke up because my friend Dan was calling and texting me.
[No worries, Dan. I remember my promise to blog about you.]
I was supposed to have gone to an 8 am class and at 11, I was supposed to go to a seminar with Dan! Oops.
Well, I got up and got dressed in about 15 minutes and made it to the seminar. But it was packed and I stood in the corner of the room the whole time.
And then I got to make THIS:
This is my cube arrangement for floral design! I couldn't decide if I liked it or not at first. But I do.
I'm going to give it away. I think to the office where I had Physical Therapy because I have to go in there anyway to see if I am released to play sports yet.
[It's been 6 months for heaven's sake! I better be able to!]
Is it acceptable to make more than one blog post a day? I hope so because I probably will.
It's wonderful outside. My favorite kind of weather. I get to wear long sleeves and scarves. And cute hats.
It has inspired me to take a nap, though. Or curl up in my bed and finish reading Eat, Pray, Love.
[for those who have read it, I still can't decide on MY word. hurumph.(that's a disgruntled noise)]
I've been thinking a lot about that book lately. I would love to pack a change of clothes and just leave. Right this second. But my responsibilities are making me stay.
I guess I'll just have to disappear in someone else's adventures for the day.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My first official blog post.
[I feel so cool.]
I have wanted a blog for so long! I just have never gotten around to it because I was worried I would do it wrong. But then I realized it's mine and anyone who thinks I am doing it wrong can shove it!
Or just not ever read my blog.
The title of my blog was inspired today by my first ever trip to Cocoa Bean (
Needless to say, I had a cupcake for dinner.
And only a cupcake.
[As my mom pointed out: "Chocolate-vegetable, it comes from a bean. Flour-grain. Egg-protein. Yep, have a cup of juice and it's a meal."] Mother's know best.
A red velvet cupcake that completely rocked my world.
Not only did I have a life altering cupcake, but I was able to enjoy it with two of my favorite people in the entire world!
Christine & Albert.
Who didn't know each other until tonight. But they are both completely awesome.
[Christine and I met our freshmen year of college because my mother wanted me to make new friends and grabbed the closest person: Christine. It's been fabulous ever since! Thanks, Mom!]
[Albert. I love this guy! We were RA's together. And totally rocked at it. We bonded over late night runs to Beto's for fantastic and fantastically cheap Mexican food...Our relationship is based off of food mostly. Which I am totally ok with.]
Anyway, back to the reason behind my blog title. Cupcakes are...heavenly.
They are such a fantastic break. So, since eating one everyday would make me...pleasantly plump with a little extra loving, I have decided to make a blog called cupcake break so I can take one everyday.
All in all, my day was a success. Minus the 67 I got in my Living with Plants class. And my cold. But a cupcake totally makes up for that.
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